Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Decisions, Decisions (Part 2)

(the saga continues...)

So my sophomore rolled around. After a summer where I did pretty much nothing besides work, I was ready to go back to school, even though I still had serious doubts about my future at ACU.

I tried pledging a social club (fraternity), but decided, after much consideration and prayer, that it wasn't for me. I initially thought that I could make some really close friendships through pledging, which I'm sure is true; that is the whole purpose of pledging as I understand it. But somehow it just didn't feel right for me. I can't say if it was God trying to guide me, or simply my own thoughts, or, most likely, a little of both. Nonetheless, I decided to trust my instincts and depledge.

In the meantime, I stopped attempting to hang out with the group of people I had so longed to be a part of the previous semester, and who had basically not given me the time of day. And I was blessed to find new friends, ones who cared about me, ones I genuinely enjoyed being with, ones who helped fill the hole I had had in my heart for so long.

Despite that much needed respite from loneliness, I still felt that something was missing. For one, I had not dated anyone since high school, and my need for intimacy was constantly intensifying.

But here's the real problem: I was putting my self worth in what others thought of me and whether or not they needed me. I don't know when I figured this out; there was no epiphanic moment or sudden realization of any kind. But it slowly dawned on me during my sophomore year:

I am a people pleaser.
I feel an intense need to be needed.
I will do almost anything for the people I love.
I long to gain people's attention, and more importantly, their affection.

These attributes aren't inherently bad. But when I let them define me, when I let the views of other people determine the way I look at myself, this is a problem.

My identity should be found in myself, and even more in God. And God promises to love me no matter what I do.
God's unconditional love, agape, is, by definition, not based on how nice, how funny, how smart, how charming I am or am not. It is love in its purest form. It is unshakable. And it is the most beautiful thing I know.

I do still struggle with my self image. There are definitely still days when I feel depressed or lonely. But I have become more aware of this problem, and I can trust that God will
always be there to guide me through the tough times. And in return, I try to love other people unconditionally, as hard as it sometimes is, and hopefully give them a glimpse of the agape God has for them.

I have shared this story with you not to evoke pity or to get you to be nicer to me or anything like that. I shared it so you can
see what happens when you place your self worth in God's love rather than the opinions of others. I shared it so people will know that they are loved and that they are never alone.


  1. i'm glad you shared. thanks for your honesty.

  2. That was an incredible ending worth waiting for.

    AMEN - in the "I agree" sense of the term.

    You win the apples to apples "getting a hug" card sitting on my desk, even though it's red, not green. (unfortunately you also have to take with it the "Hmmmmm...nice) subtitle said in a creepy voice. sorry.)

    But I agree. And while not the same, I've kinda been on a similar discovery path of learning that God is the sustainer and the motivation and the purpose and the fulfiller. I still haven't dated anyone since high school, but God has been teaching me that if I'm out to date to be fulfilled, I'll end up more empty than when I started. With all of my relationships, romantic or just friendly, if I'm seeking my fulfillment and purpose from that, I'm going to be hurt and dissapointed. It's not a journey I'm at the end of, but step by step I keep on moving.

    I admire your honesty and openness. And your willingness to learn to rely on God and let Him use you. It's also nice to know you're not alone on your journey. And you're not. So keep heart. Your love and your journey is a testimony to God's love and faithfulness. And thanks for sharing this.

  3. Oh, you NF you. We have so much in common.

    I miss ya buddy.
