Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Aftershock and Afterthoughts

These are just random things I think about, I will keep adding to this in the next few days, but here are the first two:

Have you ever seen someone try to get another person's attention from a distance, or while they are looking away, or in a loud room...and the other person just doesn't notice? And the first person keeps trying and trying, but still the other is oblivious! It's not because they don't want to talk to the first person, they are simply unaware of the other's presence or attempts to get their attention.
I've come to realize that I love seeing this happen as an outside observer. Not because I enjoy seeing the first person's thwarted efforts, but because it makes me feel much better when the same thing happens to me.

Being Remembered:
Some people stand out in our memories. Maybe they were particularly outgoing, or funny, or insightful, or full of life. Whatever the reason, we remember these people. We care about them and want to know what is going on in their lives. Then there are those people who are easy to forget. Not because they are rude or we don't like them for some reason; they simply don't stand out. We like them when we are around them, but do not think of them outside of those brief encounters.
I am starting to figure out that, for whatever reason, I fall into the second category to the vast majority of people I know.
"I don't really care how I am remembered as long as I bring happiness and joy to people."-Eddie Albert

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