Monday, October 5, 2009

The Constancy of Marble

*The ---- don't mean anything, they are just the only way I could get blogger to let me do indents*

I resolve, from this moment on
To wake up at seven each morning
--(and not hit the snooze several times)
To waste fewer moments on the worthless things
--like television and online quizzes;
--worrying and self-deprecating what-ifs
To be full and then stop
To be satisfied and then balk
--at the “I want, I need, I must!”
--shrieking in my ears
To listen to you
--and remember your words
--and not be thinking about
----the strangeness of the word marmalade
----and the even stranger-ness of the way it's made
----or why in God's great assembly line
----there aren't options like automobiles on which we decide:
----“Four-hands, extended leg”
----...and yes, it's got a Hemi!
To laugh more
To get frustrated less
To love more
To take pride in your success
--even when it implies my failure
To grasp onto, every day, something
--So that when I look back in 48 hours
--in 48 days
--in 48 years
--I will not see a few illuminated peaks in an otherwise
--Dull, dark and grey landscape
--but instead a forest basking in the colors of a late fall afternoon
--a mountain range revealed as the morning mist subsides
--an ocean at sunset in the warm and pleasant summer
--and a satisfaction
--a deep and lasting comfort
--when at long last confronting
--this dreaded listless panic
To sing joyfully
--and mournfully
To sit peacefully
--and restlessly
To see everything
--and just one thing more
To give you, all you who listen
--Just a little bit of hope
--In an impossible world

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